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Wilderness Friends of California

Wilderness Friends of California

When you are out and about, enjoying the natural world around you, snap a few shots to share, then post them for everyone to enjoy and comment on. Sign in to join mission

Wilderness Friends of California
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Website 130 participants 884 spottings

As a little girl I would run through the Santa Cruz mountains shoeless and covered in mud; I'd collect newts, tadpoles, spiders. moths, and birds to bring home and study. My Mom always said "All your little critters need to be put back in the very spot you found them when you are done." My curiosity about those critters and my fascination for nature never died. To this very day I enjoy viewing and studying nature. In fact taking pictures on my hikes and outdoor adventures is one of my favorite hobbies. If you enjoy taking pictures of nature and reflecting on a moment, day, or adventure in this amazing landscape then 'Wilderness Friends' is the perfect spot for you! This is a local mission for California only.

Wilderness Friends of California

Lat: 36.97 Long: -122.03

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