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Walker's Cicada

Megatibicen pronotalis


Walker’s Cicada is one of the largest cicadas in the US measuring up to 4" (10 cm) long. This one was nearly 3" (7.5 cm). Specific colors vary in different regions. This one had a base color on the head and thorax of bright green with patches of light brown and black. The abdomen is black and the wings clear with green veins.


I photographed this cicada in its natural habitat — the screen on our front door in Omaha, Nebraska, USA (300 masl).


Always a reminder of the Ecuadorian Amazon when we hear the cicadas singing. It returned to the screen 3 nights in a row.

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armadeus.4 2 years ago

Oh absolutely. I remember being on the highway between Queensland and New South Wales (Australia) and I had pulled over for a break. The sound of the cicadas completely drowned out any conversation.....and probably contributed to a small amount of hearing loss ha ha :D Not really, but they are incredibly loud hey!

Tukup 2 years ago

Thanks Amadeus. I like them even when they get really loud.

armadeus.4 2 years ago

Aaaaah cicadas are so fascinating! Love this spotting Tukup. Thank you for sharing :)

Tukup 2 years ago

Thanks Ornithoptera. I corrected it. Still not user to being in the States.

Ornithoptera80 2 years ago

Awesome Insect!
Btw your location you put on the map is Ecuador, but in the notes it says Nebraska?

Spotted by

Omaha, Nebraska, United States

Spotted on Aug 12, 2021
Submitted on Aug 28, 2021

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