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Leucistic Red-tailed Hawk

Buteo jamaicensis


The most common hawk in North America, this species can be easily seen atop telephone poles looking for prey. In fact, if you live anywhere near the country and you drive ten miles in a day, you have probably passed one very close to you! And sometimes, on very rare occasions, you can find one with signs of leucism, a color morph mutation similar to albinism, which causes white discoloration.


What You Can Do To Help: Animals, especially, birds, because birders are everywhere, with partial or full leucism, are highly coveted in the animal world and people can't wait to get their eyes on them in order to cross of their "I've spotted this animal." list, so to speak. So they crowd areas, harassing the animal by not giving them their space which jeopardizes their chances of survival in many ways. If you see an animal like this, please keep it to yourself. Consider it a secret and yourself lucky.

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Josh Asel
Josh Asel 10 years ago

You're killin me with kindness Beaker. Same goes for me brother, your spottings are sick. Thank you very much!

beaker98 10 years ago

Wow! I've seen several leucistic songbirds, but never a raptor! This is awesome. I really enjoy looking through your spotting Joshua.

Josh Asel
Josh Asel 10 years ago

Thanks reptile man. Definitely fun to see!

the reptile man
the reptile man 10 years ago

that is so cool. and rare.

Josh Asel
Spotted by
Josh Asel

California, USA

Spotted on Nov 13, 2013
Submitted on Dec 16, 2013

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