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Tri-Colored Cockroach

Eushelfordia pica


This was an amazing find for me!! I found almost no information on this rare cockroach. There was no common name so I coined one myself. This cockroach is basically black with an elongated white spot mid body from the outer edge of each wing toward the middle. The front tips of the wings (shoulders) are bright yellow as is the pronotum which has a large black spot in the middle. This individual was 2 1/2" (6.35 cm) long.


Found on a leaf 1 meter off the ground alongside a trail behind our house in the Amazon rainforest in SE Ecuador (700 masl).


Normally you can’t use the words “pretty” and "cockroach" in the same sentence. However this is a very striking insect. It took me a minute to realize it was indeed a cockroach. No matter what angle I took the picture from, I couldn’t get rid of the shiny look of the pronotum.

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Tukup 3 years ago

Thanks Neil. Yes. I was surprised. Too bad all of them aren't as pretty.

Neil Ross
Neil Ross 3 years ago

That is the prettiest cockroach ever! Nice find, Tukup!

Tukup 3 years ago

I may have to change my mind about cockroaches, but probably not 🤔 Thanks Dwain.

Dwain 3 years ago

Great find and picture! Very unique cockroach.

Tukup 3 years ago

Unfortunately not typical Ecuador. All the other cockroaches are the same nasty things you see everywhere, but this really was a stunner. Thanks Mark.

Mark Ridgway
Mark Ridgway 3 years ago

What an absolute stunner of a blatid. Typical Ecuador I suppose. ;-)

Tukup 3 years ago

Thanks Brian. I was just thinking I should have picked it up to see if it stinks like the similar sized and built Death's Head Cockroaches. They are nasty. I guess I'll just suppose something this pretty wouldn't stink :-)

Brian38 3 years ago

Wow! Why cant all cockroaches look like this? Awesome spotting, Tukup!

Tukup 3 years ago

Thanks Sukanya. Unfortunately, this is the exception and the only one I've ever seen. All the rest are "less than attractive," including the abundant Death's Head Cockroaches. It was a nice change :-)

SukanyaDatta 3 years ago

Great find, Tukup. Jungle cockroaches are quite attractive, I see.

Spotted by

Morona-Santiago, Ecuador

Spotted on Apr 4, 2021
Submitted on Apr 16, 2021

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