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Milk-white Toothed Polypore

Irpex lacteus


Resupinate crust fungus. Fertile surface is shaggy, toothed, and white/cream/pale orange in color. Teeth are long and pointed (not blunt). Younger portions have shorter teeth that appear more pale. Irpex lacteus is a white-rot crust fungus in the Polyporales order. Depending on growth conditions, it can be labeled a polypore or a hydnoid (toothed) fungus. It is saprobic on wood.


Growing on the side/underside of a decaying log at the base of a ridge in a dense mixed hardwood/coniferous forest in Northwest Georgia (Gordon County), US.

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flowntheloop 6 years ago

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Georgia, USA

Spotted on Dec 13, 2017
Submitted on Dec 13, 2017

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