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Praying Mantis


Heart shaped triangular head. Slender green body. Legs have spines. Carolina mantids do have wings.


These mantids are found in my yard yearly usually hanging out in small shrubs.


I found this mantis on my car in the morning. I moved it to a palm by my front door. Later, when I returned home she had laid eggs. So cool!! Fun Facts: 1. There are more than 2,500 species of mantids. 2. The only insect that can rotate its' head 180 degrees. 3. They have 5 eyes. Two primary eyes and three smaller eyes that detect light and motion. 4. A mantid's egg case (ootheca) can contain hundreds of eggs. 5. The female will die shortly after laying her eggs. :(

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1 Comment

John B.
John B. 6 months ago

That is a great spotting. I'm sure your students love it. If the Ootheca is still there (and maybe the female guarding it), that would make another really good Spotting.

San Antonio, Texas, United States

Spotted on Nov 12, 2023
Submitted on Nov 12, 2023

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