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White-fronted Falconet

Microhierax latifrons


Also known as the Bornean Falconet, it is the world's smallest bird-of-prey! It grows up to 15cm tall only.


roadside in a primary mix secondary forest


Another holder for that record size is the Black-thighed falconet which is the same size too. It was looking down at us as we did our rescued snake release work.

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ChunXingWong 3 years ago

Thanks Neil. Now you know about it :-)

Neil Ross
Neil Ross 3 years ago

Incredible spotting! I've never heard of the species before. Thanks for the introduction :)

ChunXingWong 3 years ago

You are welcome Jae. It is still a great hunter indeed whatever the size is.

Jae 3 years ago

Awesome spotting, ChunXingWong. It might be the smallest bird of prey, its talons still look menacing. Thank you for sharing this.

Spotted by

Tawau, Sabah, Malaysia

Spotted on Nov 16, 2020
Submitted on Nov 19, 2020

Spotted for Missions

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