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Common Grackle

Quiscalus quiscula


The Common Grackles is distinguished from other black birds in that it is coal black except for the head and neck, which have a bluish-purple sheen. It has a longer tail than starlings but not as long as the Great-tailed Grackle. They have a black bill and light yellow eyes. They get "poofie" when they sing.


There is a relatively small flock (10-15) of Common Grackles that frequent our yard every day in eastern Nebraska, USA (330 masl).


A few of these under our bird feeder and at the bird back is nice, but they normally come in droves, chasing smaller birds away and splashing all the water out of the bath 🤨 They are pretty but “do not play well with others 🙄

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Omaha, Nebraska, United States

Spotted on Mar 16, 2022
Submitted on Apr 16, 2022

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