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Moussier's Redstart

Phoenicurus moussieri


Moussier's Redstart is a small bird, slightly smaller and lighter built than house sparrow, of some 12-13 cm in length, The male (pictures 1,2,3, and 6) sports striking plumage with a bright orange-red breast, belly, and rump, and black head, back, and wings with a distinctive white wing patch. It also sports broad white stripe running above each eye and down the side of the neck. The female (pics 4 &5) is duller in comparison, with a more brownish coloration on the upperparts and paler underparts.


Found in open scrubland and rocky area close to human habitations, but off-the-beaten-track, in Atlas mountains at some 1400-1500m of altitude. It is not endemic, but it has a very limited range, and is particularly found in the mountainous regions of Morocco, Algeria, and Tunisia at an altitude of between 1000 and 2500 meters.


1.) Great treat today as this couple allow me to shoot my wits out from a quite close range... and this species was No 1 on my wishlist while I was packing for Morocco. 2.) The Moussier's redstart is the national emblem of Morocco. 3.) Diet: Primarily insectivorous, feeding on various insects and other small invertebrates. 4.) Breeding season typically occurs from February to June. They build nests in crevices, rock walls, or trees, often laying 3-6 eggs.

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Zlatan Celebic
Zlatan Celebic a week ago

Thanks Ava,

Ava T-B
Ava T-B 2 weeks ago

How great that you got to see this beautiful bird you were hoping for!

Zlatan Celebic
Spotted by
Zlatan Celebic

Anebdour, Marrakesh-Safi, Morocco

Spotted on May 13, 2024
Submitted on May 13, 2024

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