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Metazygia Orb Weaver

Metazygia sp.


Today, March 14 is Save a Spider Day in the US. So, in honor of that I have a neat, well, not so neat if you look at all the dead insect bodies it has piled up, but still "neat" in its own way. I believe this is a small orb-weaver spider about the size of a medium-sized pea. The abdomen has a gray base with a black stripe down the middle of the dorsum and a wiggly line (sorry for the scientific terminology) on each side of the center stripe. The legs, cephalothorax and underparts are black with a reddish tint.


This spider resides on the side of a cement block building under a small wooden overhang in the Amazon rainforest in SE Ecuador (700 masl).


I believe that I have erroneously been carrying this as a Furrow spider (Larinia sp). Getting ready to post it today I see that Larinia has no species listed for Ecuador. Hmmmm. So he is nameless on his special day 😟 Perhaps someone can give him a name . . . . a scientific one would be appreciated 😃

1 Species ID Suggestions

Orbweaver Spider
Metazygia sp. Genus Metazygia · iNaturalist

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Francis Floe
Francis Floe 2 years ago

You're welcome Tukup, glad I could help!

Tukup 2 years ago

Thanks Francis. I think you got me to the right site. I see several look-alikes. There are five of the Genus found in Ecuador and most any of those in Peru or Colombia could well be in Ecuador, especially the Peruvian ones as we are close. There is undocumented overlap on many genera. Thank you for giving it a name :-)

Francis Floe
Francis Floe 2 years ago

Here are some similar-looking species;
But they're not listed in Ecuador.

Spotted by

Macuma, Morona-Santiago, Ecuador

Spotted on Feb 4, 2019
Submitted on Mar 14, 2022

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