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Amazon Lily

Eucharis × grandiflora


Eucharis × grandiflora Planch. & Linden, known as Amazon Lily, is a species of flowering plant in the family Amaryllidaceae, native to western Colombia and western Ecuador. It is a natural hybrid between E. moorei and E. sanderi. In horticulture it is often confused with E. amazonica, usually differing in its slightly smaller flowers. Despite its common name, it is not closely related to the true lilies. E. × grandiflora is a perennial growing from an elongated bulb, with deep green leaves and an umbel (cluster) of sweetly scented white flowers on a stem 45–60 cm (18–24 in) tall. (Wikipedia)


Backyard garden.

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Laguna, Philippines

Spotted on May 19, 2013
Submitted on Sep 28, 2013

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