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Texas Horned Lizard

Phrynosoma cornutum


One of many species of horned lizard, the Texas Horned Lizard is one of two found in Oklahoma. Typical of the species this one was 2.75 in. nose to vent. It had two large spikes on the back of the head. There were smaller spines around the perimeter of the back and sides of the head as well as a row low along each side of its abdomen. The legs and tail also have a row of sharp scales. There is also a white stripe down the back from the neck to the end of the tail.The overall color was yellow brown to brown.


Found in a rock bed outside a hotel in central Oklahoma, USA (413 masl).


One unusual defense mechanism involves the flooding of their ocular sinuses, tissues found below their eye, with blood. When a horned lizard feels threatened by a predator, its final defense response is to shoot blood from these flooded sinuses and out its eye sockets. As a result, the predator is often frightened and flees. The lizard also uses this mechanism to remove foreign particles from the surface of its eyes (

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Tukup 2 years ago

Hi Sukanya. No myth. They flood their sinuses with blood and will squirt it at an enemy as a last resort. I gently picked this one up and took some pictures and saw no sign of blood, so it evidently needs more threat than what I showed it.

SukanyaDatta 2 years ago

Ooo...these are the creatures that bleed from the eyes to scare of predators...or is that a myth? Wow and double WOW!!!

Tukup 2 years ago

Thanks Jae. They aren't particularly rare but I seldom get far enough south to see any. I was very happy to find him.

Jae 2 years ago

Awesome spotting, Tukup.

Spotted by

Langston, Oklahoma, United States

Spotted on Jun 26, 2013
Submitted on Apr 2, 2022

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