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Yellow-breasted chat

Icteria virens


The Yellow-breasted chat is a large songbird found in North America. They have yellow throats and breasts, white bellies, and olive upperparts. They also have a heavy bill and a white eyering.


Spotted at the forest edge.


Here is a video of this bird:

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Brian38 4 months ago

I added a video.

Brian38 4 months ago

Thank your John. Yes they also have a large array of calls and can mimic other birds. I have a video of this bird. I'll try to add it soon.

John B.
John B. 4 months ago

Hi Brian38,
Great photos, especially the first one. I can imagine the Yellow-breasted chat has a loud call. Isn't it amazing that some birds appear to use a technique, similar to that of a Howler Monkey, to make their call more powerful.

Spotted by

Ozan, Arkansas, United States

Spotted on May 15, 2023
Submitted on Jan 28, 2024

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