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Corotu Tree seed

Enterolobium cyclocarpum


I was just informed that this is the National Tree of Costa Rica called Guanacaste tree.


Found 3 seeds and a baby sprout with similar markings. I placed the seeds next to the new mystery plant because I think they are from the same species. On the outside of the spout-ling - for lack of a better word - there is a sticky, crystal-like formation. Very neat to see a plant birthing into this world; hope he likes it.


JungleLoveMamasita 12 years ago

Thank you Jonathan. So it is called Guanacaste, cool. I am going to add that to the Tags.

Jonathan Sequeira
Jonathan Sequeira 12 years ago

That is the seed of our National Tree.
We call it Guanacaste...
Nice pic....

JungleLoveMamasita 12 years ago

Thank you JuanDiTrani!!!

Spotted on Oct 14, 2011
Submitted on Oct 15, 2011

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