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Mediterranean House Gecko

Hemidactylus turcicus


Also called the Turkish Gecko, this is a very small gecko measuring only 10-13 cm (4-5 in.) when fully grown, including the tail. It’s base color is almost flesh colored with brown mottling. It is liberally covered with granules and white tubercules on the back and sides. They have vertical pupils.


This tiny Gecko was found on a medium sized planter (photo #3) in Houston, TX (30 masl).


These gecko has been found to be totally nocturnal, leading to another common name, the Moon Gecko. They are most often found outside houses in urban areas, especially under outside lights. These pictures were taken at 22h45. It looked so fragile one wonders how it survives, but they are increasing in numbers. It is an introduced species (See second reference on the right).

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Tukup 3 years ago

I was just going to put "cute" in the description box, but then figured they would probably want a little more detail. Thanks Ingrid.

Ingrid3 3 years ago

Too Cute! bet they eat a lot of insects to! Natural house cleaning service?!

Spotted by

Galena Park, Texas, United States

Spotted on Dec 20, 2010
Submitted on Feb 18, 2021

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