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Stinking Iris

Iris foetidissima


Iris foetidissima (Stinking Iris, Gladdon, Gladwin Iris, Roast-beef Plant, Stinking Gladwin), is a species of Iris found in open woodland, hedgebanks and sea-cliffs. Its natural range is Western Europe, including England south of Durham and also Ireland, and from France south and east to N. Africa, Italy and Greece. Stinking Iris seeds It is one of two iris species native to Britain, the other being the Yellow Iris (Iris pseudacorus). Its flowers are usually of a dull, leaden-blue colour, or dull buff-yellow tinged with blue; the capsules, which remain attached to the plant throughout the winter, are 5-8 cm long; and the seeds scarlet. It is known as "stinking" because some people find the smell of its leaves unpleasant when crushed or bruised, an odour that has been described as "beefy". Wikipedia


Walnut Creek City Hall landscape area.

1 Species ID Suggestions

VivBraznell 12 years ago
Stinking Iris
Iris foetidissima Iris foetidissima

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misako 12 years ago

Thank you for the ID VivBraznell! I was just at the same office last week and the flowers had just finished blooming, so I was not able to get a photo as they were all dried.

misako 12 years ago

Thank you pmbagga!

misako 12 years ago

Thank you for the ID suggestions Chief RedEarth!

pmbagga 12 years ago

wonderful capture well done Outstanding!

misako 12 years ago

Thank you Emma--I hope I don't have to wait until the plant blooms to find out what it is!

Hema  Shah
Hema Shah 12 years ago

You have pretty good pictures of Red colored Seed pods. Manzanita shrub has beautiful seed pods which are red in color.The pictures do not do justice to it.
Misako. i will look into Spider Lily.

misako 12 years ago

@Emma: the plant leaves in my spotting don't match the Gloriosa superba 'Rothschildiana'...

Hema  Shah
Hema Shah 12 years ago
these are brilliant orange seed pods of the flame lily.

Hema  Shah
Hema Shah 12 years ago

lovely colors! African iris has seeds that are black, Hmmm......

Spotted by

Walnut Creek, California, USA

Spotted on Jan 25, 2012
Submitted on Jan 26, 2012

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