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Galápagos Lava Lizard

Microlophus albemarlensis (male)


The males of this species grow bigger and heavier than females. This specimen was about 8cm long, excluding the tail. Base colour is brown/grey and orange, with black and white spots. The side of the neck has an orange patch and the throat has a black patch, which females lack. Scales are keeled and spiny, forming a spiny crest down the back and tail.


Found on lava rocks at Darwin Research Station. This species is endemic to the Galápagos Islands. Some authors consider the Santa Cruz population to be a different species - Microlophus indefatigabilis.


Lava lizards belong to the Iguanidae family, being related to Iguanas.

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Felix Fleck
Felix Fleck 6 years ago

Thanks, Mark! Some of them display very bright colours, and it seems they can change them.

Mark Ridgway
Mark Ridgway 6 years ago

Impressive. They're more colourful than I thought. Maybe it's their 'season' :)

Felix Fleck
Spotted by
Felix Fleck

Parroquia Puerto Ayora, Galápagos, Ecuador

Spotted on Apr 17, 2015
Submitted on Jun 18, 2017

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