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Leptosia nina georgi


Leptosia nina georgi is the ssp. present in Luzon, Philippines. These two butterflies were performing an aerial mating dance. So, although I don't know which is which, I think it is safe to say that the photo shows a male and a female. When I have spotted a Psyche flying alone, it always appears to be frenetic and doesn't seem to settle on a flower or leaf for more than a second. This trait is compounded when there is a courting couple. These two were fluttering close to the ground, over a footpath and just would not land, even for a second. So, I took several photos in quick succession and the above photo is the only usable one.


Spotted in our backyard, flying close to the ground,

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John B.
Spotted by
John B.

Spotted on Nov 21, 2023
Submitted on Nov 21, 2023

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