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Small Grass Yellow

Eurema brigitta baguioensis


Pieridae; Coliadinae; Eurema brigitta baguioensis Schroeder, Treadaway & Nuyda, 1990. I spotted this little butterfly climbing out of the leaf litter on the ground. Its wings were not yet completely stiffened. So, it had just emerged from its chrysalis and was not yet ready for flight. I was able to pick it up (very gently) and take a picture of it sitting on my finger tips, in order to show how very small it was. Butterflies, as we all know, do not moult (except in the larval stage). So this newly emerged Small Grass Yellow will not grow any bigger - what you see in my photos is a fully grown butterfly and that is how it got its common name.


Spotted in the rice mill backyard.

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John B.
Spotted by
John B.

Spotted on Nov 15, 2023
Submitted on Nov 15, 2023

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