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Spiny Orbweaver

Micrathena kirbyi


NATIONAL SAVE-A-SPIDER DAY - Micrathena kirbyi is a mall spider (less than 1 inch) and a member of the genus of Spiny Orbweavers. It is a striking bright yellow and reddish brown/black spider with long sharp spines along its sides and extra long spines on the corners of its abdomen.


NationThis spider was found in a tree about 2 meters off the ground in its web web alongside a clearing in the Amazon rainforest in SE Ecuador (300 masl).


Micrathena - The name is derived from the Greek "micro", meaning "small", and the goddess Athena. What better representative for National Save-a-Spider Day than the “Little Goddes, Athena” herself. They are diurnal (active in the daytime) and are quite often seen because of their bright colors.

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Macuma, Morona-Santiago, Ecuador

Spotted on Apr 13, 2019
Submitted on Mar 14, 2023

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