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Desert Gecko

Tarentola deserti


Tarentola deserti, commonly known as the Desert Gecko, is a species of gecko native to the arid regions of North Africa. It belongs to the family Phyllodactylidae, which includes geckos characterized by their leaf-like toe pads. This is a medium-sized gecko, typically reaching 10-15 cm in length. It has a robust body with a wide, flattened head. The skin is usually sandy or brownish in color, providing excellent camouflage in its desert habitat. The gecko's back is covered with small tubercles or spiny scales. It sports large eyes with vertical pupils, adapted for night vision, and the relatively short tail that can be regenerated if lost.


Observed in arid plain at the feet of Atlas mountains. Prefers arid and semi-arid environments, such as sand dunes, rocky outcrops, and scrublands. It is well-adapted to the extreme temperatures and low humidity of desert climates.


1.) I was quite confused about the ID of this species, and suspected it to be one the three species: Desert Gecko, Moorish Gecko (T. mauritanica) or even Mediterranean house gecko... I eliminated the last one quickly (the size, shape of toes), and in the end settled for the Desert gecko... but still have doubts and if you think otherwise, feel free to suggest... 2.) The desert wall gecko's population is not changing at the moment, and has a small population. They don't have any current threats at the moment. It inhabits desert regions of North Africa. 3.) Primarily active at night, which helps it avoid the extreme daytime temperatures of its desert habitat. 4.) Insectivorous, feeding on a variety of insects and other small invertebrates. It hunts primarily at night when its prey is more active, and moves swiftly across sand and rocks, using its adhesive toe pads to climb vertical surfaces if needed.

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Zlatan Celebic
Spotted by
Zlatan Celebic

Centre commune Rurale Sidi Badehaj, Marrakech-Safi, Morocco

Spotted on May 19, 2024
Submitted on May 19, 2024

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