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My special interest is entomology and evolution. I studied biology years ago. I breed some local butterflies, moths and stick insects.

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SanciaMatthyssen Atul alicelongmartin DanielePralong
Misty10 davisdelwin590 thierrylindor12 Giovani
MartinL Goanna (Lace Monitor)
Goanna (Lace Monitor) commented on by MartinL Sydney, NSW, Australia5 years ago

Nice sighting. Did you know that goanna is a mispronounced iguana? someone just dropped the 'I'. You know how we get lazy with our words.

MartinL Cunjevoi Lily (fruiting)
Cunjevoi Lily (fruiting) commented on by MartinL Sydney, NSW, Australia5 years ago

Well done Neil. I do not recall seeing them flower in Victoria. I do know several arum lillies that are also weeds and have toxic sap. I would give you the award!

MartinL Orcus australasiae
Orcus australasiae commented on by MartinL Sydney, NSW, Australia5 years ago

Thankyou Roy
Thankyou Sergio

MartinL Orcus australasiae
Orcus australasiae commented on by MartinL Sydney, NSW, Australia5 years ago

Thanks for your comments Daniele, Neil, Tukup and amadeus.

MartinL Paropsisterna nigerrima
Paropsisterna nigerrima commented on by MartinL South Australia, Australia5 years ago

Thanks Tukup
Thanks Mr. António It is important for some of us to specialize.

MartinL Paropsisterna nigerrima
Paropsisterna nigerrima commented on by MartinL South Australia, Australia5 years ago

Thankyou Daniele. I found two females a couple of years ago so couldn't identify them, beyond guessing. Finally returning to Adelaide to view the excellent type material in the museum, I happened upon another brown form which, fortunately is male and was able to confirm identity. He no longer looks quite so dapper.

MartinL Paropsis confusa
Paropsis confusa commented on by MartinL South Australia, Australia5 years ago

Thank you Neil

MartinL Paropsisterna nigerrima
Paropsisterna nigerrima commented on by MartinL South Australia, Australia5 years ago

Thanks Neil. I found two females a couple of years ago which had me quite confused. During a recent trip to Adelaide I finally found some males and after dissection its identification is sure. Black pronotum and black stripes are certainly unique to Adelaide environs.

MartinL Leaf Beetle
Leaf Beetle commented on by MartinL Queensland, Australia5 years ago

This specimen is undescribed. It occurs north of your location and right across the top end. It has been recorded by Gunter Maywald of Brisbane and will soon be described and named by him. Until that time, it is Sp 69.

MartinL Brumbies
Brumbies commented on by MartinL Victoria, Australia6 years ago

Thanks maplemoth662
I camp here each summer.
There are always brumbies.

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