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joanbstanley Unknown spotting
Unknown spotting commented on by joanbstanley Grapevine, Texas, USA8 years ago

The plant shown is a Salvia greggii, a true sage.
Leucophyllum frutescens is a gray leaved shrub, though there are green cultivars, and it has a bell shaped bloom. Although two of its common names do include sage in them, it is from an entirely different family. It's common names are Cenizo, Texas Sage, Purple Sage, or Texas Ranger.

joanbstanley Mexican Plum blossoms
Mexican Plum blossoms commented on by joanbstanley Texas, USA8 years ago

Thank you.

joanbstanley Side-blotched Lizard
Side-blotched Lizard commented on by joanbstanley Tucson, Arizona, USA8 years ago

Thank you.

joanbstanley Bobcat
Bobcat commented on by joanbstanley Tucson, Arizona, USA8 years ago

I don't know if I will ever have that luck again, but every time I visit Tucson, I am going to try to get back out there and keep my fingers crossed.

joanbstanley Bobcat
Bobcat commented on by joanbstanley Tucson, Arizona, USA8 years ago

It was great fun. I have many more photos that I can't fit into PN.
I first saw it as I was about to walk out on an observation deck over one of the ponds. It was there ahead of me watching something in the water. I got quite a few photos there. Apparently it decided whatever it had been watching was not going to pan out, and headed back to the trail where I was standing. That's when it first noticed me. It studied me a moment, and apparently decided, in typical cat fashion, that I was beneath consideration, so sauntered right by. It could easily have taken to the cattails or bushes along the trail, but didn't. It stayed on the trail, stopping here and there to watch frogs, lizards and water fowl, while I followed at a distance. It glanced back at me occasionally, but otherwise took little notice.
When it reached the far side of the wetlands near the entrance, it turned around and again walked back by me on the far side of the trail, at which point I figured I had followed it long enough and moved on.

joanbstanley Stoplight Parrotfish
Stoplight Parrotfish commented on by joanbstanley Cayman Islands8 years ago

Snorkel mostly.

joanbstanley Snowberry Clearwing
Snowberry Clearwing commented on by joanbstanley Texas, USA8 years ago

I agree. I was happy to spot this one, since I have not seen as many this year.

joanbstanley Desert Spiny Lizard
Desert Spiny Lizard commented on by joanbstanley Arizona, USA8 years ago

Joshua, I was visiting friends during that extremely hot week when it reached 117F.

joanbstanley Desert Spiny Lizard
Desert Spiny Lizard commented on by joanbstanley Arizona, USA8 years ago

Sorry for taking so long to acknowledge your suggestions. I have been out of town for several weeks.

joanbstanley Queen
Queen commented on by joanbstanley Lat: 33.46 Lon: -111.958 years ago

Thanks. I posted it late at night and obviously wasn't paying proper attention.

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