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Large Bottle Cicada (in spider's web)

Glaucopsaltria viridis


This genus is closely allied to Chlorocysta, but has 6 apical cells in the hindwing and 13 apical cells in the forewing. The male (pictured above) also has a greatly inflated, hollow abdomen, and the female abdomen much smaller and tapered. Male length varies from 28-33mm, female 18-20mm. Forewing lengths ranges from 28-34mm. (Some information referenced from the book - Wildlife of Greater Brisbane - a Queensland Museum publication)


Adults are found in leafy rainforest trees growing beside creeks, in dry vine scrubs, exotic shrubs, and in the suburbs of Brisbane. This particular cicada (above) was captured in a mango tree.


This unfortunate Large Bottle Cicada was captured in the web of a Garden Orb Spider, and despatched (killed) accordingly. It all happened so quickly, and the light was intermittent between sunshine and shade. All too fast for a little pocket camera, but I did my best to document the event.

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Mark Ridgway
Mark Ridgway 11 years ago

Nice series Neil.

RiekoS 11 years ago

Beautiful cicada and sad ending.....

Neil Ross
Spotted by
Neil Ross

Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

Spotted on Feb 19, 2011
Submitted on Apr 27, 2013

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