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Old fashioned naturalist, 30 years observing seals, research associate Allied Whale

Downeast Maine

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animaisfotos David Carolina Malcolm Wilton-Jones
Jellis Terri Lindsy duttagupta35504
galewhale..Gale Humpback whale
Humpback whale commented on by galewhale..Gale Massachusetts, USA11 years ago

?? who??!

galewhale..Gale Humpback Whale (Habenero's Calf)
Humpback Whale (Habenero's Calf) commented on by galewhale..Gale Provincetown, Massachusetts, USA11 years ago

Wonderful photos of Habenero's calf... it has such a distinctively white belly... many Pacific humpbacks have a lot of white on their bellies but in my experience it is rare in North Atlantic whales? did you happen to get a photo of the calf's fluke?

galewhale..Gale Habenero the Humpback Whale
Habenero the Humpback Whale commented on by galewhale..Gale Provincetown, Massachusetts, USA11 years ago

Great series of Habenero!
This is her page on a citizen based collection called flukematcher on flickr

galewhale..Gale Stonewall the Humpback Whale
Stonewall the Humpback Whale commented on by galewhale..Gale Providence, Rhode Island, USA11 years ago

Great photo of Stonewalls fluke. This is a photo of Stonewall taken by Brier Island Whale and Seabird Cruises off Nova Scotia so he/she does get around!
The above link is to Stonewall's "page" on a flickr citizen based collection of North Atlantic known whales

galewhale..Gale Wave the Humpback Whale
Wave the Humpback Whale commented on by galewhale..Gale Provincetown, Massachusetts, USA11 years ago

This indeed a photo of the whale named WAVE! And a beautiful series it is!
Here is a photo of Wave in the Citizen Based collection on flickr called flukematcher.

galewhale..Gale Baleine à bosses-megaptère
Baleine à bosses-megaptère commented on by galewhale..Gale Québec, Canada11 years ago

I will delete this photo from the fluke mission even though it is a wonderful photo of the dorsal side of a humpback fluke... because the fluke mission was started to find known whales. You can identify whales by the pattern of white and dark on the UNDERSIDE (ventral side) of their fluke and there are over 6,000 individuals in the Allied Whale Humpback catalog (for the North Atlantic)!

Glad to see you posted this in the Marine Mammal mission

galewhale..Gale Humpback whale
Humpback whale commented on by galewhale..Gale Sandwich, Massachusetts, USA11 years ago

Thank you Joanne!! It is indeed Aswan and great to know how it got its name! here is Aswan's page in flukematcher (a citizen based fluke collection)

And here is the page for Canopy... a tough match to make!

galewhale..Gale Common Bottlenose Dolphins
Common Bottlenose Dolphins commented on by galewhale..Gale Lakeland, Florida, USA11 years ago

I have added this to the Marine Mammal mission and taken it out of the Humpback whale mission. Dolphins are part of the toothed whale family whereas humpbacks are baleen whales. Dolphins eat fish and larger prey while humpbacks are filter feeders eat small fish but mostly filtering plankton.

galewhale..Gale Humpback Whale
Humpback Whale commented on by galewhale..Gale Massachusetts, USA11 years ago

I changed the title hope you don't mind. There is a species called Grey Whale found primarily on the West coast... humpback whales are just Humpback Whales

galewhale..Gale Humpback Whale
Humpback Whale commented on by galewhale..Gale Massachusetts, USA11 years ago

Wonderful information about the life cycle of Boomerang and her calf. When there was enough funding I worked for Allied Whale
I have since started a citizen based collection of individual humpbacks and their life histories that is accessible to the general public

Here is a photo of Boomerang

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