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Ringneck snake

Diadophis punctatus


I was thrilled to find this awesome Ringneck snake. It has grey color with orange ring in the neck. But the underside is bright orange and the tail is red. They are best known for their unique defense posture of curling up their tails, exposing their bright red-orange posterior, ventral surface when threatened. I was lucky because Ring-necked snakes are secretive, nocturnal snakes, so are rarely seen during the day time. They are slightly venomous. 60 cm long.



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63 Comments (1–25)

LuisStevens 10 years ago

Gracias rams4d

rams4d 10 years ago

Muy buenas fotos, felicidades !!!

LuisStevens 10 years ago

This is the first one for me Abby.

Abby Ccga
Abby Ccga 10 years ago

I've seen one of these in North Carolina, USA. There super cute when they're little!

LuisStevens 10 years ago

Es de la Sierra de San Miguelito, justo al sur de la ciudad de San Luis Potosí.

AlejandroVallejo 10 years ago

¿De qué parte de san luis es ésta belleza?

LuisStevens 10 years ago

Gracias Nés.

Hermosa Diadophis.

LuisStevens 10 years ago

Gracias Mike. Tuve suerte porque esta vibora es más bien nocturna.

MikeGrageda 10 years ago

Que buen registro! Me gusta el contraste de los colores gris y naranja

LuisStevens 10 years ago

Thank you Christos Maroulis

ChristosMaroulis 10 years ago


LuisStevens 10 years ago

Muchas gracias Lauren, Eulalia y Alfytere.

Tere R
Tere R 10 years ago

Guau, fantástica serie de fotos, definitivamente el que busca encuentra, felicidades Luis.

eulalia rubio
eulalia rubio 10 years ago

Qué bonita.

LaurenZarate 10 years ago

This amazing snake just had to make SOTD! And your pictures of it's behavior are wonderful. Congratulations!

LuisStevens 10 years ago

Thank you Pamsai and Gilma.

Congratulations!! Luis, that is a gorgeous snake, love the wavy posture and of course the tail and bottom colors, a beautiful creature.

pamsai 10 years ago

congratulations Luis. Fabulous snake, very nice photos!

LuisStevens 10 years ago

Thank you EnvUnlimited and Reza Hashemizadeh.

Reza Hashemizadeh
Reza Hashemizadeh 10 years ago

Congratulations Luis !

LuisStevens 10 years ago

Thank you Chief, Saumya, Carol, Ashley, Mark, Jopy, Dixie, Dixie, Neil, Nac, Rieko, Bhagya, Daniele, Dilan and António for your kind words.

Luis :-) congrats again ,for a well deserved SOTD

Dilan Chathuranga
Dilan Chathuranga 10 years ago

Congrats Luis on your SOTD!!!

DanielePralong 10 years ago

Congrats Luis! What a great series!

Spotted by

San Luis Potosí, San Luis Potosí, Mexico

Spotted on Nov 24, 2013
Submitted on Nov 28, 2013

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