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Sri Lankan Green Pit Viper

Craspedocephalus trigonocephalus,


Green Pit Viper (Craspedocephalus trigonocephalus) is a moderately venomous snake endemic to Sri Lanka. It is one of the most colourful and attractive snakes in Sri Lanka. It is also arboreal and nocturnal, occasionally descending to the ground in search of food. This sluggish pit viper is usually encountered on low shrubs during morning hours. It is widely distributed in all three climatic zones of the island except the higher hills above an altitude of 1000 m and arid zones while relatively common in wet zone grasslands and rain forest areas and occasionally in plantations. It produces live young most of the time during months of June-July and usually a brood varies from05 to 30. It has effective camouflage and usually makes every attempt to escape and avoid confrontation. Venom can be quite potent and occasionally can prove fatal. Therefore treatment and medical assistance is recommended. Majority of green pit viper bites cause only extensive swelling and pain.


Low, Mid and Upcountry Rain Forests

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HemaShah a year ago

This snake is beautiful!!

Sahana Vajirasena
Sahana Vajirasena a year ago

Photographed 4 specimens within a day

Brian38 a year ago

Great spotting of a beautiful snake!

Sahana Vajirasena
Spotted by
Sahana Vajirasena

Kirimetiya, Central Province, Sri Lanka

Spotted on Nov 20, 2022
Submitted on Nov 20, 2022

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