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Outdoors adventurer, photography enthusiast, nature lover. Very excited to finally learn what I have been taking photos of over the years!

Victoria, Australia

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DanielePralong HemantKumar Atul Jonathan Sequeira
mm3281323 Vinny maplemoth662 Giovani
RachaelB Unknown spotting
Unknown spotting commented on by RachaelB Melbourne, Victoria, Australia10 years ago

Thanks Tiz. The Australian Reed-Warbler is also known as the Clamorous Reed-Warbler (which is the most probable answer). I just thought it looked a bit bigger with a heavier bill than that. But maybe it was just the angle.

RachaelB Tongue-eating Louse
Tongue-eating Louse commented on by RachaelB Victoria, Australia10 years ago

Thanks Yasser - I'm happy that other people are learning something from my spotting!

RachaelB Tongue-eating Louse
Tongue-eating Louse commented on by RachaelB Victoria, Australia10 years ago

Thanks Aaron :-)

RachaelB Land yabby
Land yabby commented on by RachaelB Victoria, Australia10 years ago

Thanks for the ID Belinda!

RachaelB Red-capped Robin (juvenile)
Red-capped Robin (juvenile) commented on by RachaelB Victoria, Australia10 years ago

Yeah I was thinking Juvenile red-capped robin. Thanks Liam.

RachaelB Little Raven
Little Raven commented on by RachaelB Victoria, Australia10 years ago

Thanks for your help Gary and Joshua.

RachaelB Rufous Whistler (female)
Rufous Whistler (female) commented on by RachaelB Victoria, Australia10 years ago

Thanks Daniele and I agree Nathan!

RachaelB Red-capped Robin
Red-capped Robin commented on by RachaelB Victoria, Australia10 years ago

Thanks everyone :-)

RachaelB Red-capped Robin
Red-capped Robin commented on by RachaelB Victoria, Australia10 years ago

Do you think this might be a juvenile red-capped robin as well?

RachaelB Red-capped Robin
Red-capped Robin commented on by RachaelB Victoria, Australia10 years ago

That's very likely Steve. I'm hopeless with ID'ing the females and juveniles!

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