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Thanks to H.P. Susantha Kumara (in photo) who was my tracker/guide in Udawalawe National Park and contributed 95% of the IDs from Sri Lanka

Berwyn, IL, USA

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Jonathan Sequeira HemaShah Dan Doucette KarenSaxton
mauna Kunzah Francis Floe Israel4 armand1992
Black-capped Chickadee (photo-bombing female Northern Cardinal) 2 0 Black-capped Chickadee (photo-bombing female Northern Cardinal)
Northern Cardinal (female) photo-bomb by Black-capped Chickadee 3 0 Northern Cardinal (female) photo-bomb by Black-capped Chickadee
Northern Cardinal (male) 2 0 Northern Cardinal (male)
Canada goldenrod or Canadian goldenrod 1 0 Canada goldenrod or Canadian goldenrod
Joe-Pye Weed or Bonesets 2 0 Joe-Pye Weed or Bonesets
White-throated Kingfisher, white-breasted kingfisher (w/ Crocodile) 10 4 White-throated Kingfisher, white-breasted kingfisher (w/ Crocodile)
White-tailed deer 10 4 White-tailed deer
Downy woodpecker 11 2 Downy woodpecker
Monarch butterfly 6 4 Monarch butterfly
American vervain, blue vervain, swamp verbena 4 0 American vervain, blue vervain, swamp verbena
Mallard, wild duck (females) 4 0 Mallard, wild duck (females)
Double-crested Cormorant 5 0 Double-crested Cormorant
Great blue heron 2 0 Great blue heron
Bindweed, Morning Glory 0 0 Bindweed, Morning Glory
Viceroy butterfly 4 0 Viceroy butterfly
Hibiscus, swamp rose-mallow, crimsoneyed rosemallow, eastern rosemallow 2 0 Hibiscus, swamp rose-mallow, crimsoneyed rosemallow, eastern rosemallow
orange day-lily, tawny daylily, corn lily, tiger daylily, fulvous daylily, ditch lily, Fourth of July lily, railroad daylily, roadside daylily, outhouse lily, wash-house lily 3 0 orange day-lily, tawny daylily, corn lily, tiger daylily, fulvous daylily, ditch lily, Fourth of July lily, railroad daylily, roadside daylily, outhouse lily, wash-house lily
eastern tiger swallowtail (on wild bergamot) 5 3 eastern tiger swallowtail (on wild bergamot)
Eastern kingbird 3 0 Eastern kingbird
Monarch butterfly 6 0 Monarch butterfly
prairie compass plant, pilotweed, polarplant, gum weed, cut-leaf silphium, turpentine plant 1 0 prairie compass plant, pilotweed, polarplant, gum weed, cut-leaf silphium, turpentine plant
Sedge Wren 23 31 Sedge Wren
Spotting 1 0 Spotting
American Mourning Dove, rain dove, turtle dove 3 0 American Mourning Dove, rain dove, turtle dove
Northern Flicker, common flicker 3 0 Northern Flicker, common flicker
American Robin 3 0 American Robin
Chicory, blue daisy, blue dandelion, blue sailors, blue weed, bunk, coffeeweed, cornflower, hendibeh, horseweed, ragged sailors, succory, wild bachelor's buttons, wild endive 3 4 Chicory, blue daisy, blue dandelion, blue sailors, blue weed, bunk, coffeeweed, cornflower, hendibeh, horseweed, ragged sailors, succory, wild bachelor's buttons, wild endive
Orchard Oriole 2 0 Orchard Oriole
Gray Catbird 2 0 Gray Catbird
Milkweed 1 0 Milkweed
Four-banded Stink Bug Hunter Wasp 3 3 Four-banded Stink Bug Hunter Wasp
autumn onion, prairie onion 1 0 autumn onion, prairie onion
Spotting 1 0 Spotting
Monarch butterfly (on Joe-Pye weed or Bonesets) 2 0 Monarch butterfly (on Joe-Pye weed or Bonesets)
Mallard, wild duck (female) 2 1 Mallard, wild duck (female)
Hibiscus, halberd-leaf rosemallow 1 0 Hibiscus, halberd-leaf rosemallow
Double-crested cormorant 3 1 Double-crested cormorant
Bindweed, Morning Glory 0 0 Bindweed, Morning Glory
Blazing Star 1 0 Blazing Star
Missouri ironweed 1 0 Missouri ironweed
Yellowjacket Bee (photo-bombing a ruby throated hummingbird) 2 0 Yellowjacket Bee (photo-bombing a ruby throated hummingbird)
eastern purple coneflower, hedgehog coneflower, echinacea 0 0 eastern purple coneflower, hedgehog coneflower, echinacea
Ruby-throated hummingbird (females in flight) 5 3 Ruby-throated hummingbird (females in flight)
Joe-Pye Weed or Bonesets? 0 0 Joe-Pye Weed or Bonesets?
red-spotted purple 14 0 red-spotted purple
Ruby-throated hummingbird (females) 2 0 Ruby-throated hummingbird (females)
downy woodpecker (male) 4 0 downy woodpecker (male)
anise hyssop, blue giant hyssop, fragrant giant hyssop, lavender giant hyssop 1 0 anise hyssop, blue giant hyssop, fragrant giant hyssop, lavender giant hyssop
Crane's Bill, Geranium 1 0 Crane's Bill, Geranium
marsh rattlesnake master, corn-snakeroot, bitter snakeroot, marsh eryngo (white), bonesets (pink) 1 0 marsh rattlesnake master, corn-snakeroot, bitter snakeroot, marsh eryngo (white), bonesets (pink)
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