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Fomitopsis officinalis (Laricifomes officinalis) of Texas

Fomitopsis officinalis (Laricifomes officinalis) of Texas

The aim of this project is to provide mycologists access to new discoveries of the this fungi. Please add your observation notes and photo(s) and if you'd like to participate email me at the address provided. This is a local mission for Texas. *Edited by Project Noah management team to comply with user created mission rules. Sign in to join mission

Fomitopsis officinalis (Laricifomes officinalis) of Texas
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Website 13 participants 16 spottings

Fomitopsis officinalis (=Laricifomes officinalis) is a hefty, bracket fungus and can be found on the trunks of coniferous hosts, where it causes a brown-rot. The fruiting bodies persist for many years, becoming longer and longer as they grow. This species occurs worldwide, and has gone by several common names including Agarikon, Quinine Conk, Larch Bracket Mushroom, Brown Trunk Rot and Eburiko. The large sporophores were documented over 2000 years ago by the Greek pharmacist Dioscorides, who recorded the mushroom’s effectiveness in treating Consumption, which we now know as Tuberculosis. This is a local mission for Texas only. Key words: Agarikon Fomitopsis officinalis Laricifomes officinalis Additional preview:

Fomitopsis officinalis (Laricifomes officinalis) of Texas

Lat: 30.68 Long: -98.48

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