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Herps of Texas

Herps of Texas

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Herps of Texas
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Website 117 participants 824 spottings

To document the amazing diversity of the herps in Texas!

Herps of Texas

Lat: 31.97 Long: -99.90

Recent Spottings

Texas spiny lizard Brian38 5 3 Texas spiny lizard
Texas River Cooter Tukup 4 0 Texas River Cooter
Three-toed Box Turtle Tukup 2 0 Three-toed Box Turtle
Texas Spiny lizard (fence lizard) spookymulder99 3 1 Texas Spiny lizard (fence lizard)
Mediterranean house gecko spookymulder99 1 0 Mediterranean house gecko
Texas Rat Snake Graham4 12 5 Texas Rat Snake
Racer Snake Harmony D. 3 1 Racer Snake
Eastern Hognose Snake Harmony D. 5 4 Eastern Hognose Snake
Corn Snake TextileRanger 2 1 Corn Snake
Texas Thread Snake ZooNerd 6 0 Texas Thread Snake
Texas Spiny Lizard cathcfitz 1 0 Texas Spiny Lizard
Western Ribbon Snake cathcfitz 1 0 Western Ribbon Snake
Carolina anole joanbstanley 1 0 Carolina anole
Texas Garter Snake gatorfellows 0 1 Texas Garter Snake
Five-lined Skink ZooNerd 1 0 Five-lined Skink
Western Cottonmouth tuff13 0 0 Western Cottonmouth
Spotting JeremiahSchindler 3 4 Spotting
Cricket Frog ZooNerd 1 0 Cricket Frog
Green anole Elizabeth Kucera 1 0 Green anole
Red Eared Slider Prineet the frog 3 0 Red Eared Slider
Western Diamondback Rattlesnake rekhaananthamurthy 3 0 Western Diamondback Rattlesnake
Long nosed Leopard Lizard Prineet the frog 2 0 Long nosed Leopard Lizard
American Green Tree Frog Prineet the frog 2 0 American Green Tree Frog
Brown Anole rekhaananthamurthy 2 2 Brown Anole
Rio Grande Chirping Frog rekhaananthamurthy 2 0 Rio Grande Chirping Frog
Desert Spiny lizard Prineet the frog 1 0 Desert Spiny lizard
Green Anole rekhaananthamurthy 1 0 Green Anole
Texas Patch-Nosed Snake Dixie 3 5 Texas Patch-Nosed Snake
American Alligator ZooNerd 1 1 American Alligator
Green Tree Frog AshleyT 2 0 Green Tree Frog
Eastern Hognose hatchlings AshleyT 20 7 Eastern Hognose hatchlings
Common Kingsnake AshleyT 3 0 Common Kingsnake
Rat Snake joanbstanley 2 1 Rat Snake
Brown Anole AshleyT 1 3 Brown Anole
Copperhead Elizabeth Kucera 1 0 Copperhead
Mississippi Green Water Snake AshleyT 7 3 Mississippi Green Water Snake
Western Diamond-backed Rattlesnake AshleyT 1 0 Western Diamond-backed Rattlesnake
New Mexico Spadefoot AshleyT 1 0 New Mexico Spadefoot
Plains Spadefoot AshleyT 1 0 Plains Spadefoot
Great Plains Toad AshleyT 1 0 Great Plains Toad
Spotting tuff13 3 1 Spotting
Ground Snake AshleyT 6 0 Ground Snake
RoughEarth Snake ZooNerd 1 0 RoughEarth Snake
Red-spotted Toad AshleyT 5 2 Red-spotted Toad
Western Diamond-backed Rattlesnake gnarvin 3 0 Western Diamond-backed Rattlesnake
Six lined race runner AaronPaulTullock 8 2 Six lined race runner
Rough green snake AaronPaulTullock 2 0 Rough green snake
Red-Eared Slider Turtle redandsilverfox 2 0 Red-Eared Slider Turtle
Texas Spotted Whiptail joanbstanley 3 0 Texas Spotted Whiptail
Texas Spiny Lizard joanbstanley 1 0 Texas Spiny Lizard

Recently joined

Brian38 Tukup Bushman Prineet Anand
Prineet the frog Elizabeth Kucera AaronPaulTullock gnarvin
cathcfitz TheWanderingDuh redandsilverfox LeeAnnBartlettDunn
KristinBrunoAtkinson joanbstanley FayeJohnsKhan ChristinaBlue
OhioBlake Brenda Hoffman Ernesto tmiah469
My Wildhood TextileRanger Josh Anadu AyaanKhan
MariaSchildan EmilyEngelhardt AthenaTerry MichaelAlves
MichaelAlves MichaelAlves MadGrady BlaineHankins
emt595 BugEric AriBina gatorfellows
harmoniousdischord michellekellycopywriter hope.duecker KennethGisi
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