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Wildlife at Hueston Woods

Wildlife at Hueston Woods

Help document the location of wildlife species at Hueston Woods State Park. By uploading photos of wildlife you see around the park, you will help us create a map of the areas where the most species diversity is located. Visit Hueston Woods State Park and select any area you prefer. Snap photos of wildlife and upload to Wildlife at Hueston Woods Mission on Project Noah. You may collect fungi, plant, flower and tree data as well. Sign in to join mission

Wildlife at Hueston Woods
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16 participants 129 spottings

The purpose of using project noah is to have park visitors document what species of animals (insects, mammals, birds, reptiles, fish, amphibians) they encounter at different areas of the park. Many visitors often ask park staff where certain animals can be seen and when. With Project Noah, we can now offer a map and recommend areas for best viewing. They map may also highlight areas where animals are not seen, which could also provide valuable information. This project is headed by Naturalist Amanda Dalton, who is a Graduate student with Miami University's Project Dragonfly program. This project will help visitors of Hueston Woods understand the vast diversity of wildlife that can be encountered while visiting this State Park.

Wildlife at Hueston Woods

Lat: 39.58 Long: -84.74

Recent Spottings

Bald Eagle Bruce Brooks 2 0 Bald Eagle
Black Racer Bruce Brooks 3 1 Black Racer
Bonaparte's Gull nsxallan 2 0 Bonaparte's Gull
Red-breasted Merganser nsxallan 1 0 Red-breasted Merganser
Osprey nsxallan 1 1 Osprey
Northern Map Turtle nsxallan 1 0 Northern Map Turtle
Horned Grebe nsxallan 4 2 Horned Grebe
American Coot HollyWinklerCrowley 2 1 American Coot
Midland Smooth Softshell Turtle nsxallan 4 1 Midland Smooth Softshell Turtle
Barred Owl HollyWinklerCrowley 17 5 Barred Owl
Common Merganser HollyWinklerCrowley 9 3 Common Merganser
Merlin nsxallan 7 0 Merlin
Bald Eagle HollyWinklerCrowley 1 2 Bald Eagle
Sandhill cranes HollyWinklerCrowley 1 1 Sandhill cranes
Ross's Goose PatBell 3 0 Ross's Goose
Long-billed Dowitcher nsxallan 3 0 Long-billed Dowitcher
Five lined skink HollyWinklerCrowley 4 1 Five lined skink
Bald eagles HollyWinklerCrowley 5 0 Bald eagles
Eastern cottontail rabbit HollyWinklerCrowley 2 0 Eastern cottontail rabbit
Eastern Chipmunk HollyWinklerCrowley 0 0 Eastern Chipmunk
Tufted titmouse HollyWinklerCrowley 1 0 Tufted titmouse
Piliated Woodpecker PatBell 1 0 Piliated Woodpecker
Spotting HollyWinklerCrowley 1 6 Spotting
Tennessee Warbler PatBell 2 0 Tennessee Warbler
Large milkweed bug HollyWinklerCrowley 1 0 Large milkweed bug
Wood duck HollyWinklerCrowley 1 0 Wood duck
Spotting Bruce Brooks 0 0 Spotting
Merlin PatBell 1 0 Merlin
Lesser Yellowlegs Bruce Brooks 2 0 Lesser Yellowlegs
Blue Bird StephenFlynn 6 1 Blue Bird
Eastern Box Turtle HeatherBarrett 2 0 Eastern Box Turtle
Red Fox Bruce Brooks 5 1 Red Fox
Wild Turkey HollyWinklerCrowley 3 0 Wild Turkey
Snow Goose (Blue morph) PatBell 3 0 Snow Goose (Blue morph)
Kingfisher AmyEich 2 0 Kingfisher
Marbled Orbweaver HollyWinklerCrowley 2 0 Marbled Orbweaver
Black Vulture PatBell 3 1 Black Vulture
Praying Mantis Bruce Brooks 1 0 Praying Mantis
Red-breasted Merganser PatBell 1 0 Red-breasted Merganser
Fox Squirrel Bruce Brooks 1 1 Fox Squirrel
White-tailed deer HeatherBarrett 1 0 White-tailed deer
Blue Jay Bruce Brooks 1 0 Blue Jay
Northern Green Frog Bruce Brooks 2 1 Northern Green Frog
Raccoon NaturalistAmanda 10 1 Raccoon
Turkey vulture HeatherBarrett 2 0 Turkey vulture
Eastern Tiger swallowtail HollyWinklerCrowley 1 0 Eastern Tiger swallowtail
Deer HollyWinklerCrowley 2 0 Deer
American White Pelican nsxallan 5 2 American White Pelican
Green Heron AmyEich 1 0 Green Heron
Common Loon nsxallan 6 2 Common Loon

Recently joined

MsTeri Tia Penaranda AmyEich StephenFlynn
AubreyMueller PatBell NaturalistAmanda Myrissa Kelly
CindyEbbing koestrjk Bruce Brooks HeatherBarrett
NickDoran NaturalistAubrey HollyWinklerCrowley nsxallan
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