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African Cats

African Cats

Please share your photographs of African big cats, but remember, many are endangered so please do not provide exact locations for your spottings but locate them at the nearest town. Sign in to join mission

African Cats
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Website 61 participants 162 spottings

By displaying the beauty of these creatures, maybe we will fight harder to protect them.

African Cats

Lat: -2.20 Long: 34.64

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Matthew Eppihimer Annelies FaredinAliyevski
AyaanKhan JordiPrats staccyh Brinschk
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LeafWolf Evergreen sun.gokhale VanessaVermaak
KatieCroft emily.elf JeffCrocombe IanMcDonald
AdrianoZaniniAstaldi sangelyka Ishan Mehta KatCuff
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Josh Asel LoveBigCats IsabellaFiers ArthurTiutenko
HannahSpencer Vishu Noah Citizen aka Olivier yulia8473
SamSan dungeonmasterShu LealikiKanoa Saber
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