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0 2 Dog


by Krishna ManikpuriRaipur, Chhattīsgarh, India

5 2 Iberian wolf

Iberian wolf

by Sophie6Limburg, Netherlands


2 1 Zorro (Red fox)

Zorro (Red fox)

by kozogaAndalucía, Spain

5 2 Coyote


by carlos.velazcoMexico

Desert grassland

5 0 Zorro gris

Zorro gris

by kozogaChubut, Argentina

For some, the genus Pseudalopex (Pseudalopex gymnocercus)

1 0 Coyote


by jesloweryBillings, Montana, USA

Yellowstone, saw hunting in tall grasses

6 3 Ethiopian Wolf

Ethiopian Wolf

by ArthurTiutenkoOromīya Kilil, Ethiopia

Canis simensis, Rüppell, 1840 (Ethiopian Wolf), young, Keyrensa Valley, Bale ...

12 9 European Red fox (Αλεπού)

European Red fox (Αλεπού)

by ChristosMaroulisΔήμος Αχαρνών, Περιφέρεια Αττικής, Greece

I spotted this mammal on the Parnitha's mountain, Attica, Greece

20 7 Ethiopian Wolf

Ethiopian Wolf

by ArthurTiutenkoOromia, Ethiopia

Canis simensis, Rüppell, 1840 (Ethiopian Wolf), female, Keyrensa Valley, ...

0 0 Pas


Општина Раковица, Централна Србија, Serbia

Пас је припитомљени сисар из породице

0 0 Pas


Општина Раковица, Централна Србија, Serbia

Pas je pripitomljeni sisar iz porodice

12 8 Wolf


by LisaGrantKou-Kamma Local Municipality, Eastern Cape, South Africa

wild member of the Canidae family.

0 0 Pas


Општина Раковица, Централна Србија, Serbia

Pas (lat. Canis lupus familiaris) je pripitomljeni sisar iz porodice

19 10 Red Fox

Red Fox

by jesloweryBellefontaine, Ohio, USA

A young one. There were three of them playing, but when I hiked over they all ...

2 0 Dog


by lika.hoppusCampo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil

The dog is a domesticated form of the gray wolf, a member of the

2 1 Australian Shepard

Australian Shepard

by jessicaschrox3Crest Hill, Illinois, USA

dog food twice a day. They reproduce sexually. Family:

3 1 African Wild Dog - Endangered

African Wild Dog - Endangered

by ArnoMeintjesBa-Phalaborwa Local Municipality, Limpopo, South Africa

The African Wild Dog (Lycaon pictus) is a carnivorous mammal of the

10 15 Gray wolf

Gray wolf

by ElsaEngland, United Kingdom

The gray wolf is the largest wild member of the

0 0 Pas


Општина Нови Београд, Централна Србија, Serbia

Pas (latinski naziv-Canis lupus familiaris) je pripitomljeni sisar iz porodice ...

1 0 Western Horse Fly

Western Horse Fly

by CindyBinghamKeiserCalifornia, USA

This is a large, black, male Horse Fly. This species is sexually dimorphic and ...

59 30 Arctic Wolf

Arctic Wolf

by MaryOhkwariShubenacadie, Nova Scotia, Canada

"The Arctic Wolf is a species of mammal of the family

4 4 African Wild Dog

African Wild Dog

by LealikiKanoaFlorida, USA

And here is one of my favorite canids, the African wild dog (Lycaon pictus), ...

5 2 Red Fox

Red Fox

by KostasZontanosΔήμος Πυλαίας - Χορτιάτη, Περιφέρεια Κεντρικής Μακεδονίας, Greece

The size of a small dog, the red fox is the largest member of the genus Vulpes ...

10 0 Arctic Wolf

Arctic Wolf

by sttweetsAmsterdam, Noord-Holland, Netherlands

of the family Canidae, and a subspecies of ...

0 0 pas


Општина Раковица, Централна Србија, Serbia

Пас (лат. Canis lupus familiaris) је припитомљени сисар из породице

0 0 Nemački ovčar

Nemački ovčar

Општина Савски венац, Централна Србија, Serbia

Psi su sisari iz reda psolikih odnosno porodice pasa (

0 0 Пас


Општина Раковица, Централна Србија, Serbia

Пас (лат. Canis lupus familiaris) је припитомљени сисар из породице

63 49 Raccoon dog

Raccoon dog

by JeannettePohjois-Suomi, Finland

. Among the Canidae, the raccoon dog shares ...

1 0 Dogs


by HassanMohamedFarajValledupar, Cesar, Colombia

The dog is a subspecies of the gray wolf , a member of the

16 14 Gray wolf

Gray wolf

by KarenLBritish Columbia, Canada

The gray wolf also known as the wolf, is the largest extant wild member of the ...

0 0 Pas


Београд, Централна Србија, Serbia

je pripitomljeni sisar iz porodice Canidae. ...

0 0 Pas



Pas (lat. Canis lupus familiaris) je pripitomljeni sisar iz porodice

0 0 Пас


Општина Савски венац, Централна Србија, Serbia

Пас (лат. Canis lupus familiaris) је припитомљени сисар из породице

0 0 Raposo (gl), Zorro (es), Red fox (uk)

Raposo (gl), Zorro (es), Red fox (uk)

by caldasrafaTui, Galicia, Spain

El zorro pertenece a la familia Canidae. En ...

32 13 Timber Wolf

Timber Wolf

by July Llanes-BonillaFlorida, USA

wild member of the Canidae family. Though ...

2 3 Stray Dog

Stray Dog

by alexandrathaydenLa Romana, La Romana, Dominican Republic

: Mammalia Order: Carnivora Family:

1 5 Red Fox

Red Fox

by NancyCrowden

.General description: Red foxes are members of the dog family

6 6 Azara's fox

Azara's fox

by danybehsSão João do Sul, Santa Catarina, Brazil

Is a medium-sized fox which has a brindled grey back with paler grey ...

10 3 Gray Fox

Gray Fox

by joanbstanleyHighland Village, Texas, USA

It is grayish on the back and sides and reddish on the nape, shoulders, chest ...

17 9 Arctic Wolf

Arctic Wolf

by MarcelPepinᓄᓇᕗᑦ Nunavut, Canada

Gray Wolf, a mammal of the family Canidae. ...

11 5 Red Fox

Red Fox

by bwbethany.maePrince Edward Island, Canada

domestic dog and the dingo), also known as the wolf, is the largest extant ...

1 0 Red Fox

Red Fox

Prince Edward Island, Canada

The red fox has an elongated body and relatively short limbs. The tail, which ...

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