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5 11 Plume moth

Plume moth

by AldrinLeyte, Philippines

0 0 Tussock Moth

Tussock Moth

by Philippine LepidopteraBenguet, Philippines

Spotted by Boyet Tayag Presco for NMW 2015.

0 0 Erebid Moth

Erebid Moth

by Philippine LepidopteraBaguio, Benguet, Philippines

Spotted by Joy Valencia Villafuerte-Hafalla for NMW 2015.

0 0 Tiger Moth

Tiger Moth

by Philippine LepidopteraBaguio, Benguet, Philippines

Spotted by Joy Valencia Villafuerte-Hafalla for NMW 2015.

3 0 Uraniid Moth

Uraniid Moth

by Philippine LepidopteraBenguet, Philippines

Spotted by Boyet Tayag Presco for NMW 2015.

1 0 Geometrid Moth

Geometrid Moth

by Philippine LepidopteraBenguet, Philippines

Spotted by Boyet Tayag Presco for NMW 2015.

0 0 Prominent Moth

Prominent Moth

by Philippine LepidopteraSan Pablo, Laguna, Philippines

Spotted by Veronica Prudente for NMW 2015.

0 0 Geometrid Moth

Geometrid Moth

by Philippine LepidopteraBaguio, Benguet, Philippines

Spotted by Rey M. Abellada for NMW 2015.

0 0 Hawk Moth

Hawk Moth

by Philippine LepidopteraBulacan, Philippines

Spotted by Marion Marinas for NMW 2015.

0 0 Erebid Moth

Erebid Moth

by Philippine LepidopteraBenguet, Philippines

Spotted by Boyet Tayag Presco for NMW 2015.

0 0 Pyralid Moth

Pyralid Moth

by Philippine LepidopteraBenguet, Philippines

Spotted by Boyet Tayag Presco for NMW 2015.

1 0 Silkworm Moth

Silkworm Moth

by Philippine LepidopteraBenguet, Philippines

Spotted by Boyet Tayag Presco for NMW 2015.

1 0 Silkworm Moth

Silkworm Moth

by Philippine LepidopteraBenguet, Philippines

Spotted by Boyet Tayag Presco for NMW 2015.

1 0 Geometrid Moth

Geometrid Moth

by Philippine LepidopteraBenguet, Philippines

Spotted by Boyet Tayag Presco for NMW 2015.

1 0 Noctuid Moth

Noctuid Moth

by Philippine LepidopteraBaguio, Benguet, Philippines

Spotted by Rey M. Abellada for NMW 2015.

0 0 Picture Wing Moth

Picture Wing Moth

by Philippine LepidopteraBenguet, Philippines

Spotted by Linda Alisto for NMW 2015.

0 0 Tiger Moth

Tiger Moth

by Philippine LepidopteraBaguio, Benguet, Philippines

Spotted by Linda Alisto for NMW 2015.

0 0 Erebid Moth

Erebid Moth

by Philippine LepidopteraBaguio, Benguet, Philippines

Spotted by Linda Alisto for NMW 2015.

5 0 Saturniid Moth

Saturniid Moth

by Philippine LepidopteraBenguet, Philippines

Spotted by Boyet Tayag Presco for NMW 2015.

1 0 Lappet Moth?

Lappet Moth?

by Philippine LepidopteraBaguio, Benguet, Philippines

Spotted by Linda Alisto for NMW 2015.

0 0 Pyralid Moth

Pyralid Moth

by Philippine LepidopteraBaguio, Benguet, Philippines

Spotted by Linda Alisto for NMW 2015.

0 0 Tiger Moth

Tiger Moth

by Philippine LepidopteraBaguio, Benguet, Philippines

Spotted by Linda Alisto for NMW 2015.

0 0 Lichen Moth

Lichen Moth

by Philippine LepidopteraBaguio, Benguet, Philippines

Spotted by Linda Alisto for NMW 2015.

0 0 Euteliid Moth

Euteliid Moth

by Philippine LepidopteraBaguio, Benguet, Philippines

Spotted by Linda Alisto for NMW 2015.

0 0 Chrysodeixis Looper Moth

Chrysodeixis Looper Moth

by Philippine LepidopteraBaguio, Benguet, Philippines

Spotted by Linda Alisto for NMW 2015.

0 1 Crambid Moth

Crambid Moth

by Philippine LepidopteraBenguet, Philippines

Spotted by Linda Alisto for NMW 2015.

0 0 Hawk Moth

Hawk Moth

by Philippine LepidopteraManila Fővárosi Régió, Philippines

Spotted by Linda Alisto for NMW 2015.

0 0 Crambid Moth

Crambid Moth

by Philippine LepidopteraManila Fővárosi Régió, Philippines

Spotted by Linda Alisto for NMW 2015.

0 0 Erebid Moth

Erebid Moth

by Philippine LepidopteraBaguio, Benguet, Philippines

Spotted by Linda Alisto for NMW 2015.

0 0 Fruit Piercing Moth

Fruit Piercing Moth

by Philippine LepidopteraBaguio, Benguet, Philippines

Spotted by Linda Alisto for NMW 2015.

0 0 Erebid Moth

Erebid Moth

by Philippine LepidopteraBaguio, Benguet, Philippines

Spotted by Linda Alisto for NMW 2015.

0 0 Nolid Moth

Nolid Moth

by Philippine LepidopteraBaguio, Benguet, Philippines

Spotted by Linda Alisto for NMW 2015.

0 0 Amata Wasp Moth

Amata Wasp Moth

by Philippine LepidopteraBaguio, Benguet, Philippines

Spotted by Linda Alisto for NMW 2015.

1 0 Lichen Moth

Lichen Moth

by Philippine LepidopteraBaguio, Benguet, Philippines

Spotted by Linda Alisto for NMW 2015.

0 0 Crambid Moth

Crambid Moth

by Philippine LepidopteraBaguio, Benguet, Philippines

Spotted by Linda Alisto for NMW 2015.

0 0 Erebid Moth

Erebid Moth

by Philippine LepidopteraBaguio, Benguet, Philippines

Spotted by Linda Alisto for NMW 2015.

0 0 Uraniid Moth

Uraniid Moth

by Philippine LepidopteraBaguio, Benguet, Philippines

Spotted by Linda Alisto for NMW 2015.

0 0 Tiger Moth

Tiger Moth

by Philippine LepidopteraBaguio, Benguet, Philippines

Spotted by Linda Alisto for NMW 2015.

0 0 Geometrid Moth

Geometrid Moth

by Philippine LepidopteraBaguio, Benguet, Philippines

Spotted by Linda Alisto for NMW 2015.

5 0 Tropical Swallowtail Moth

Tropical Swallowtail Moth

by Philippine LepidopteraBenguet, Philippines

Spotted by Linda Alisto for NMW 2015.

3 2 Geometrid Moth

Geometrid Moth

by Philippine LepidopteraBaguio, Benguet, Philippines

Spotted by Linda Alisto for NMW 2015.

1 0 Amata Wasp Moth

Amata Wasp Moth

by Philippine LepidopteraBaguio, Benguet, Philippines

Spotted by Linda Alisto for NMW 2015.

1 0 Lichen Moth

Lichen Moth

by Philippine LepidopteraBaguio, Benguet, Philippines

Spotted by Linda Alisto for NMW 2015.

40 8 Hook Tip Moth

Hook Tip Moth

by Philippine LepidopteraKapangan, Cordillera Administrative Region, Philippines

Spotted by Boyet Tayag Presco for NMW 2015.

0 0 Moth


by Philippine LepidopteraBaguio, Benguet, Philippines

Spotted by LindaAlisto

0 0 Moth


by Philippine LepidopteraBaguio, Benguet, Philippines

Spotted by LindaAlisto for NMW 2014.

0 0 Moth


by Philippine LepidopteraBaguio, Benguet, Philippines

Spotted by LindaAlisto for NMW 2014.

0 0 Moth


by Philippine LepidopteraBaguio, Benguet, Philippines

Spotted by LindaAlisto for NMW 2014.

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