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American Kestrel

Falco sparverius


This is the smallest and most common falcon in North America. This female is rufous with dark barring. The face is light with two narrow vertical bands. The top of the head is blue-gray. The sexes can be determined by appearance making them sexually dimorphic. "Males have blue-grey wings with black spots and white undersides with black barring. The back is rufous, with barring on the lower half. The belly and flanks are white with black spotting. The tail is also rufous, with a white or rufous tip and a black subterminal band."


Captive, rehabilitated bird used for educational purposes. Their range is from Alaska down to South America.


This was part of Hawk Watch 2015 by the Wildlife Research Institute. The birds were from The Raptor Institute.

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Thank you Mark! If felt great to be able to photograph something. It's been so long :)

Mark Ridgway
Mark Ridgway 9 years ago

Super spotting.

California, USA

Spotted on Jan 10, 2015
Submitted on Jan 11, 2015

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