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Sweet-scented Bedstraw

Galium odoratum


This is a flowering herbaceous perennial belonging to Rubiaceae (Coffee or Bedstraw family) family, growing in shade in woodland, and some 40 to 50 cm tall. The plant is strong sweet scented; and produce small white four-petaled flowers in terminal cyme. The leaves are simple and lanceolate, 5 to 7 cm long, and borne in whorls of 7 to 8.


Common Eurasian wildflower, widespread and found growing in total or partial shade on rich soils. Here, found inside beautiful and protected 'Bois du Faisan' forest (somewhat mixed, but predominantly deciduous forest, a lot of oak). The forest is located in lowlands around the lake Geneva (lac Leman), just in between Jura and Alps mountains ranges.


Because of its scent (persists in dried samples) the plant is used to perfume rooms and as moth deterrent. There are also notes on its use as a spice drinks (wine, juices, brandy, herbal tea) or foods (jams, jelly, ice cream).

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Zlatan Celebic
Spotted by
Zlatan Celebic

Genève, Switzerland

Spotted on May 6, 2018
Submitted on May 29, 2018

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