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Orange-legged swift spider

Supunna picta


Extremely fast, this spider's front 4 legs are bright orange whilst the rest of its legs and body are black with white stripes. It measures around 10-12 mm across the leg span.



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Christina31 4 years ago

One of these just ran over me! Dunedin, New Zealand.

tehrobzyconcepts 10 years ago

(sorry for random acc name)

found one of these in my house (not near bushland), i was curious was this spider was, it ran along a mates arm. not sure if he was bitten or not. can anyone tell me things to look for?

Mr.Swift 11 years ago

He sat still just long enough! He's very small - I've never allowed one close enough to bite me, but from what I've read online they can give a moderately-painful bite leaving redness and swelling but nothing serious.

AnnvanWijgerden 11 years ago

Great that you could get a shot of him! He LOOKS pretty venomous... Is he??

iGo Sugiarto
iGo Sugiarto 11 years ago


LeanneGardner 11 years ago


Spotted by

Launceston, Tasmania, Australia

Spotted on Nov 12, 2012
Submitted on Nov 13, 2012

Spotted for Mission

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