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Elephant Weevil

Orthorhinus cylindrirostris


It is a brown grey weevil with a long slender snout and long forelegs. The body has thick black or brown scales. The antennae are clubbed and form an L shape with a distinct elbow. Males antennae are located much closer to the point of the snout than females. Males also have longer forelegs than females. Size: length 10mm to 20mm. Females are shorter than males.


Food: The Elephant Weevil adults and larvae feed on eucalypts and a variety of other plants. They are a pest of cultivated vine crops. Breeding: The larva is a creamy white grub with a brown head and curl up to form a c-shape. The pupa starts of almost transparent and become darker brown as it develops.

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MacChristiansen 10 years ago

Thanks to all for your comments on this spotting.

medusasnakes123 10 years ago

Congrats on spotting of the day! :) It DOES look like something from another planet! :)

kdpicturemaker 10 years ago

SOTD, good one MacC! Go Elephant beetles...!!!

Tom15 10 years ago

Congrats on a nice SOTD! Many of your other spottings could easily be another SOTD.

Congratulations, Mac! This is a great spotting. I'm curious what the habitat was.

SamiraliShaikh 10 years ago


Great capture MacChristiansen,gorgeous macro,congrats on the SOTD and thanks for sharing

JanelleL.Streed 10 years ago

Stunning! Absolutely gorgeous capture!! :-)))

dotun55 10 years ago

Stunning details!!!

Leuba Ridgway
Leuba Ridgway 10 years ago

Yes ! an elephant weevil with attitude. Great spotting - Congratulations !!

Mark Ridgway
Mark Ridgway 10 years ago

Superb livery on this one Mac and great shots. Congratulations.

lowellmtyler 10 years ago

Wow! Fantastic spotting. Congrats on your well-deserved SOTD nod.

Wild Things
Wild Things 10 years ago

Congrats Mac!

pamsai 10 years ago

Absolutely love weevils, Mac, and this one is superb!

KathleenMcEachern 10 years ago

Congratulations! I love it.

Neil Ross
Neil Ross 10 years ago

An excellent spotting and photo, Mac. Congrats on your SOTD.

Yasser 10 years ago

Mac, this awesome little weevil was an easy choice for Spotting of the Day! What a cool little creature. Congrats!


MacChristiansen 10 years ago

Added ID, Thanks for the suggestion KD

kdpicturemaker 10 years ago

Love the pose & look of this one! Would it be this particular species - Orthorhinus cylindrirostris. Longer snout than ones I have photographed. They are really interesting & varied beetles.

MacChristiansen 10 years ago

Thanks Jennifer

JenniferReneeDekker 10 years ago

Wow! It looks like something out of a Star Wars movie.

Spotted by

NSW, Australia

Spotted on Feb 26, 2014
Submitted on Feb 26, 2014

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