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Patilla Clearwing

Ithomia patilla


I get very confused with these glasswing butterflies. I'll leave the ID to the experts !


Selva Negra Cloud forest of the Matagalpa highlands.

2 Species ID Suggestions

Jellis 8 years ago
'Darkened' Rusty Clearwing
Greta morgane oto

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pamsai 8 years ago

thanks Antonio... great link again, but the problem is my mind gets overwhelmed with so many different ones, it goes on strike ! Wish I'd started this when I was younger !

pamsai 8 years ago

thanks bayucca... I can clearly see the difference when you explain it like that. I think I have 'overall' vision rather than extreme 'attention to detail" sight !! It's really hard for me to see the difference from so many different photos. Of course experience and knowing what to look for helps ! Now I know, but the problem now is that down the line, the memory can't remember !!

Thank you, bayucca.
With your explanation, it is possible see the differences.

So, forgive me, pamsai!!
The link for genus Ithomia:

bayucca 8 years ago

Sorry, folks, it is Ithomia sp. and Ithomia patilla. The markings are slithly different I agree and Ithomiini are sometimes a real nightmare. Greta morgane oto does not have a red spot behind the head and there is no "notch" in the veins on the hindwing. The quite broad white at the upper margin of the hindwing is also typical for Ithomia, in Greta morgane oto this bar is lacking. The venation overall is also different. The white patch on the forewing is in Greta morgane oto directly "touching" the margin on the forewing, in Ithomia patilla and yours, there is a tiny little space between the margin and the white patch. Just to note some of the differences.
Ithomia patilla:
Greta morgane oto:

pamsai 8 years ago

thanks Antonio. Appreciate the very good reference link.

Really, I agree with you and I know it's very difficult, pamsai!
But I think you did the right choice, because Jellis suggested the correct specie.

The link that I provided was just for you see the variety of species that has this genus, and so, you could compare each one of them with the butterfly of your photograph.

pamsai 8 years ago

thanks Antonio... So many different ones. Very difficult for me to tell apart, even with the photos...

Spotted by

Matagalpa, Matagalpa, Nicaragua

Spotted on Jun 20, 2015
Submitted on Mar 15, 2016

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