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Little Corella

Cacatua sanguinea


This cockatoo is white with a yellow wash under the wings and tail. Its crest is white, there is bare blue skin around the eye and dull red-pink feathers between the eye and beak. The feed predominantly on the ground and are often in flocks up to 1000 individuals. They can be quite destructive like many of the cockatoo species and often strip leaves from trees.


Semi-arid and monsoonal woodlands, shrub lands, tree-lined watercourses and farmlands.


I spotted this Corella at the Duck-ponds in Gympie. There was quite a large flock of them feeding on the grass roots in the soft wet ground. They are funny birds that act very drunk, rolling on the ground and hanging upside down in the trees.

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4570, Queensland, Australia

Spotted on Jun 28, 2011
Submitted on Jun 28, 2011

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