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Medicinal Plants of the PNW

Medicinal Plants of the PNW

To help spread the wisdom for this mission just upload photos and information about local plants and there medicinal value and its use. If you have recipes for decoctions, infusions, teas, & poultices pertaining to said plants, than please feel free to post those as well. Peace, Love and Happy Planting. Sign in to join mission

Medicinal Plants of the PNW
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Website 52 participants 47 spottings

100 years ago we were hunters and gathers, now that knowledge of gathering herbs & food has faded deep into our history. No more trying to re-invent the wheel. It has been said there is a plant for every ailment. Common weeds are often mistaken for nothing more than a pain for gardeners rather than the miracle of nature they really are.

Medicinal Plants of the PNW

Lat: 48.24 Long: -122.37

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