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North Shore CC BioBlitz!

North Shore CC BioBlitz!

Beginning at 6:30pm on Thursday, April 26th, and ending at 6:30pm on Thursday, May 3, we will record any and all living things encountered on or within 50 miles of the NSCC Danvers campus. We will start out as a group during lab, scouring the grounds of NSCC, and, once we go our separate ways, continue to submit spottings from our homes, workplaces, or any old place until we meet for lab again on May 3rd. Then, during lab on the 3rd, we will have an i.d. party.

North Shore CC BioBlitz!
Created by

North Shore Community College

Website 14 participants 47 spottings

Bio 102 BioBlitz! We will stretch this BioBlitz out over the course of a week. Any living thing you see within 50 miles of our lab at 1 Ferncroft Rd. in Danvers is fair game. Points go to highest number of organisms submitted for i.d., and to the highest number of correct identifications.

North Shore CC BioBlitz!

Lat: 42.59 Long: -70.97

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Grace M. bio-1022 SarahCourchesne bio-1026
bio-1024 bio-10211 bio-1023 bio-1025
bio-1027 bio-1028 bio-10210 bio-1029
bio-1021 bio-10212
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