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Wisconsin Trees and Plants ID

Wisconsin Trees and Plants ID

Photograph and identify (using the common names) of plants and trees found in Wisconsin. Sign in to join mission

Wisconsin Trees and Plants ID
Created by


Website 80 participants 149 spottings

To identify and become familiar with the names of plants and trees we see in Wisconsin.

Wisconsin Trees and Plants ID

Lat: 44.75 Long: -89.44

Recent Spottings

Rhododendron groenlandicum auntieanna 0 1 Rhododendron groenlandicum
American Pokeweed auntieanna 0 2 American Pokeweed
Eastern Red Columbine audrey.whitlatch 2 0 Eastern Red Columbine
Dead Man's Fingers Noah N. 0 0 Dead Man's Fingers
Mayapple audrey.whitlatch 1 0 Mayapple
Dryad's Saddle audrey.whitlatch 0 0 Dryad's Saddle
Spotting graham.t 0 0 Spotting
Moss hefeller 1 0 Moss
Red dragonfly aquinaswi 0 0 Red dragonfly
Spotting graham.t 0 1 Spotting
Common Starling, European Starling aquinaswi 1 1 Common Starling, European Starling
Red Osier Dogwood aquinaswi 0 0 Red Osier Dogwood
Northern Pin Oak auntieanna 0 2 Northern Pin Oak
Spotting aquinaswi 1 0 Spotting
Peony aquinaswi 1 0 Peony
Ground Cherry auntieanna 1 0 Ground Cherry
Indian Pipes auntieanna 3 0 Indian Pipes
Swamp Milkweed auntieanna 0 0 Swamp Milkweed
Arrowleaf Tearthumb auntieanna 0 1 Arrowleaf Tearthumb
Common Tansy auntieanna 1 1 Common Tansy
Thyme-leaved Speedwell auntieanna 0 3 Thyme-leaved Speedwell
Butter-and-eggs auntieanna 0 0 Butter-and-eggs
Cancer root guyute89 1 0 Cancer root
Forget Me Not krkoller 2 0 Forget Me Not
Wild Iris krkoller 0 3 Wild Iris
Common Milkweed auntieanna 1 1 Common Milkweed
Orange Tiger Lily krkoller 0 2 Orange Tiger Lily
Indian Pipes auntieanna 2 2 Indian Pipes
Thimbleweed auntieanna 0 2 Thimbleweed
Spotting Katie14 0 1 Spotting
Common Speedwell auntieanna 0 1 Common Speedwell
Goat's Beard auntieanna 1 2 Goat's Beard
Solomon's Plume or False Solomon's Seal auntieanna 1 1 Solomon's Plume or False Solomon's Seal
Marsh Marigold auntieanna 0 2 Marsh Marigold
Hosta "Captain Kirk" aquinaswi 1 1 Hosta "Captain Kirk"
Canadian Dwarf Cornel auntieanna 0 1 Canadian Dwarf Cornel
Hairy Vetch auntieanna 1 0 Hairy Vetch
Orange Hawkweed auntieanna 1 0 Orange Hawkweed
Peony aquinaswi 0 1 Peony
Iris aquinaswi 0 1 Iris
Speckled Alder auntieanna 0 1 Speckled Alder
California Poppy aquinaswi 0 0 California Poppy
Clematis aquinaswi 0 0 Clematis
Pussy Toes auntieanna 1 2 Pussy Toes
Unnamed spotting auntieanna 0 1 Unnamed spotting
Wood Horsetail auntieanna 0 1 Wood Horsetail
Miniature Iris aquinaswi 2 0 Miniature Iris
Corn Speedwell auntieanna 0 3 Corn Speedwell
Gaywings / Fringed polygala auntieanna 0 2 Gaywings / Fringed polygala
Great Mullein auntieanna 0 1 Great Mullein

Recently joined

puhldj18 AlexandraDombrow DirectorFultz audrey.whitlatch
TeresaBurke Noah N. juliacbach ShannonH
Saxaboe HollyBaker yeikanieves annmgraf
Heather Lumpkin Eiramegacy Cho Angelique
KarenO'Donnell melanie.sculley Igni shannon3
teacherleaf TrishaMarieEdgerly wehrnaturecenter OliviaEvans
StinkyMama AliMikulyuk adam.terrell1994 AshleighKoenigs
PatriciaDeffner-Valley krkoller JakeZ BrianBauer
Katie14 aquinaswi KenSoch auntieanna
MaryKayWoolsey graham.t mokisdad JackBushman
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