Australian Native Flowers and Fruits
A showcase of Australian native flowers and fruits. Be it a tree or shrub, vine or succulent... as long as it's a NATIVE that's flowering and/or fruiting, or showing evidence of either (like the mission photo), please add your spotting here. Australian natives attract wildlife, look bizarre and beautiful, and stand up to a wide range of challenging climates. They are unique to this country and fill an ecological niche that only species that have evolved here can. NB: Australia is a mighty big place, so if your spotting falls outside of the mission radius, it is still welcome!
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Created by
Neil Ross
8 participants
265 spottings
This mission is for Australian native plants only. Other species that have been naturalised (eg: lantana) are not appropriate. Please add a description of the plant characteristics and habitat where it was located - ecological and taxonomic information about your spotting is important. Flowers and fruiting bodies can also be the best and easiest way to identify many native plant species, and this only occurs at certain times of the year. Of particular significance are plants considered to be "bush tucker" (bushfood) for people, and food plants for animals. If not consumed as food, some plants also have medicinal or utilitarian value.