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Kerr HS Biology Backyard Birds

Kerr HS Biology Backyard Birds

We would like to see 4 submissions of birds found in your "backyard". Make sure that you put your information to identify yourself and your photos on the document turned in on Schoology. Sign in to join mission

Kerr HS Biology Backyard Birds
Created by


Website 81 participants 252 spottings

Our mission is to get our students outside to make observations of native Texas birds.

Kerr HS Biology Backyard Birds

Lat: 29.69 Long: -95.64

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Anna Lai Jennifer N. dragosterrarian Duy V
Breanna Tumaliuan luphilip4591 Kathy D imyourifyourmine
davisn25 Mai P Kevin H. Nguyen Denise Tran
KimNguyen Vonnee Nguyen Quyen D Tammy L
travisjsimond Karla A peterlam41 Anh Nguyen
alexhsu00 Kennedy Fung Janson Vo samin.amin00
kaitlinarnold6 jn.147261 martinezmarco808 Venice
Anderson Pham arielamaya.aa1 Blessing O ricky9nguyen
Junlong Zheng xaremu11 oaremu11 Bach Huynh
Davin Ngo Ha N. Joseph B. Brandy Phan
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