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Camp Simpson Biological Survey

Camp Simpson Biological Survey

The mission of the Camp Simpson Biological Survey is to identify and document the organisms endemic to the 2,000+ acre area of Johnston County, Oklahoma contained within the boundaries of the Camp Simpson Boy Scout camp. You must secure permission from the camp ranger prior to entering camp property. Access to the camp is restricted during the entire month of June and during the entire period between Christmas Eve and New Year's Day. For permission to enter camp property, please call at least 3 days in advance. Call: Gene Karr, Camp Ranger at 580-638-2388 for permission and directions to the camp. Please limit sightings to those within the confines of the camp property. Sign in to join mission

Camp Simpson Biological Survey
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Website 8 participants 73 spottings

The mission of the Camp Simpson Biological Survey is to identify and document the organisms endemic to the 2,000+ acre area of Johnston County, Oklahoma contained within the boundaries of the Camp Simpson Boy Scout camp. The survey is being conducted under the supervision of the Shawnee High School Department of Life Sciences. The project's primary mission is to engage high school students in the actual hands-on application of collection and classification techniques learned in the classroom. The camp consists of Cross Timbers forests made up primarily of oak, hickory, elm, juniper and bois d' arc. A dam across the Delaware Creek forms a 67 acre flood control conservation lake.

Camp Simpson Biological Survey

Lat: 34.41 Long: -96.55

Recent Spottings

Southern Copperhead GregMayberry 2 0 Southern Copperhead
Spiny Puffball GregMayberry 1 0 Spiny Puffball
Orange Striped Ribbon Snake grmayberry 2 0 Orange Striped Ribbon Snake
Ferocious Water Bug with Eggs grmayberry 120 47 Ferocious Water Bug with Eggs
Spiny Softshell Turtle GregMayberry 6 1 Spiny Softshell Turtle
Trapdoor spider (male) extremebirder 1 2 Trapdoor spider (male)
Blue Dasher extremebirder 0 0 Blue Dasher
Gray Morel GregMayberry 8 3 Gray Morel
Barred Owl GregMayberry 8 5 Barred Owl
Western Diamondback Rattlesnake GregMayberry 2 1 Western Diamondback Rattlesnake
Jumping Spider GregMayberry 20 10 Jumping Spider
Six-lined Race Runner GregMayberry 1 0 Six-lined Race Runner
Green Lynx Spider grmayberry 23 7 Green Lynx Spider
Virginia Creeper grmayberry 0 1 Virginia Creeper
Black & Gold Garden Spider grmayberry 8 4 Black & Gold Garden Spider
Black Widow grmayberry 52 22 Black Widow
Orb Spider grmayberry 0 1 Orb Spider
Spring Beauty GregMayberry 5 5 Spring Beauty
Red-Legged Buprestis grmayberry 15 6 Red-Legged Buprestis
White-tail Deer grmayberry 2 1 White-tail Deer
Nine-Banded Armadillo grmayberry 34 20 Nine-Banded Armadillo
Milkweed Bug GregMayberry 1 3 Milkweed Bug
Red-Shouldered Hawk grmayberry 13 5 Red-Shouldered Hawk
Blue Jay grmayberry 1 0 Blue Jay
Opossum grmayberry 15 3 Opossum
Raccoon grmayberry 0 2 Raccoon
Verbena GregMayberry 1 1 Verbena
Northern Cardinal grmayberry 7 1 Northern Cardinal
Witch's Hat grmayberry 2 2 Witch's Hat
Monarch Butterfly grmayberry 5 1 Monarch Butterfly
Speckled Kingsnake grmayberry 14 5 Speckled Kingsnake
Orange Throated Darter GregMayberry 3 3 Orange Throated Darter
Cedar-Apple Rust grmayberry 2 2 Cedar-Apple Rust
Eastern Collared Lizard grmayberry 16 7 Eastern Collared Lizard
Shooting Star grmayberry 6 3 Shooting Star
Mosquito Fish grmayberry 2 0 Mosquito Fish
Civil Bluet grmayberry 3 0 Civil Bluet
Pipevine Swallowtail Caterpillar grmayberry 4 0 Pipevine Swallowtail Caterpillar
Crab Spider grmayberry 2 0 Crab Spider
Gladiator Katydid grmayberry 3 4 Gladiator Katydid
Question Mark grmayberry 2 0 Question Mark
Gray Treefrog grmayberry 9 4 Gray Treefrog
Red-tailed Hawk grmayberry 5 3 Red-tailed Hawk
Spotting grmayberry 1 1 Spotting
Southern Leopard Frog grmayberry 0 1 Southern Leopard Frog
Western Slender Glass Lizard grmayberry 1 0 Western Slender Glass Lizard
Brown Recluse Soider (Fiddleback) grmayberry 0 1 Brown Recluse Soider (Fiddleback)
Ringneck Snake grmayberry 5 3 Ringneck Snake
Rough Green Snake grmayberry 11 3 Rough Green Snake
Indian Blanket grmayberry 0 1 Indian Blanket

Recently joined

GregMayberry DrewWalker DonWalker extremebirder
KristyHeninTickel KatelynHarris VaibhavJoshi mdmayberry
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