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Binghamton New York Area Diversity

Binghamton New York Area Diversity

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Binghamton New York Area Diversity
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13 participants 64 spottings

Vestal, Endicott, Apalachin, Endwell, Johnson City and Binghamton lets catalog our beautiful upstate New York. From our countless nature preserves, Susquehanna river, Forests and Hills.

Binghamton New York Area Diversity

Lat: 42.10 Long: -76.05

Recent Spottings

Honeybees Gina423 1 0 Honeybees
White-tailed deer Gina423 1 0 White-tailed deer
White tailed deer Gina423 1 0 White tailed deer
American Goldfinch (non-breeding) Gina423 1 0 American Goldfinch (non-breeding)
Western Conifer Seed Bug Gina423 2 0 Western Conifer Seed Bug
black swallowtail caterpillar Gina423 2 2 black swallowtail caterpillar
Spotting Gina423 2 0 Spotting
Mourning doves Gina423 1 1 Mourning doves
Dark-eyed Junco Gina423 2 0 Dark-eyed Junco
Bumblebee Gina423 1 0 Bumblebee
Rose-breasted Grosbeak Gina423 2 1 Rose-breasted Grosbeak
Sweet Violet drmikeschofield 0 2 Sweet Violet
Hairy Woodpecker drmikeschofield 0 2 Hairy Woodpecker
Eastern Skunk Cabbage drmikeschofield 1 1 Eastern Skunk Cabbage
Ghost Plant drmikeschofield 0 0 Ghost Plant
Northern Cardinal Gina423 0 0 Northern Cardinal
Spotting drmikeschofield 0 0 Spotting
Spotting Gina423 2 3 Spotting
Woodpecker holes Gina423 0 3 Woodpecker holes
Red-bellied Woodpecker Gina423 0 1 Red-bellied Woodpecker
Dark-eyed Junco Gina423 1 5 Dark-eyed Junco
Downy Woodpecker Gina423 0 2 Downy Woodpecker
Black-capped Chickadee Gina423 0 1 Black-capped Chickadee
Marbled Orbweaver Gina423 0 1 Marbled Orbweaver
Spotting drmikeschofield 1 2 Spotting
Peach tree drmikeschofield 1 0 Peach tree
Squirrel foot prints BrodyWhittington 1 4 Squirrel foot prints
Pine trees BrodyWhittington 1 0 Pine trees
Short tailed shrew rebeccamkindig 2 1 Short tailed shrew
Orb-weaving spider Egyptflower 0 1 Orb-weaving spider
hickory tussock moth Egyptflower 0 1 hickory tussock moth
Flat-topped white aster Egyptflower 2 0 Flat-topped white aster
Crane fly mackenna.starr 1 0 Crane fly
Spotting EdwinTeddyZizak 0 1 Spotting
Rock Pigeon EdwinTeddyZizak 1 1 Rock Pigeon
Spotting EdwinTeddyZizak 0 1 Spotting
Spotting EdwinTeddyZizak 2 0 Spotting
Rock Pigeon EdwinTeddyZizak 1 1 Rock Pigeon
Rock Pigeon EdwinTeddyZizak 0 0 Rock Pigeon
House Sparrow EdwinTeddyZizak 0 0 House Sparrow
Spotting EdwinTeddyZizak 1 3 Spotting
Dandelion EdwinTeddyZizak 0 1 Dandelion
Spotting EdwinTeddyZizak 1 1 Spotting
Spotting EdwinTeddyZizak 0 2 Spotting
Spotting EdwinTeddyZizak 0 0 Spotting
Spotting EdwinTeddyZizak 0 0 Spotting
Spotting EdwinTeddyZizak 0 0 Spotting
Spotting EdwinTeddyZizak 0 0 Spotting
Spotting EdwinTeddyZizak 0 0 Spotting
Emperor tamarin monkey mackenna.starr 0 0 Emperor tamarin monkey

Recently joined

BrodyWhittington EmilyRichards rebeccamkindig Chris-ChrissyCookWood
Egyptflower TylerScottSlater Gina423 TracyParlett
EdwinTeddyZizak drmikeschofield grippinm scottyb1982
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