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2 2 Crambidae


by Jatishwor Singh IrungbamBhutan

Crambidae.. About 20 mm long.

0 0 Spotting


by SCOTTCroatia

Crambidae ostrinia sp?

0 1 Crambidae


by Jatishwor Singh Irungbamརྩི་རང་རྫོང་ཁག་, Bhutan

1 0 Crambid Moth

Crambid Moth

by SckelES, Brazil

1 0 Crambidae


by IrungbamJatishworSinghBhutan

Crambidae, Spilomelinae - Lamprosema ...

0 0 Crambidae


by Jatishwor Singh IrungbamBhutan

Family: Crambidae Subfamily: Spilomelinae

3 0 Crambidae


by IrungbamJatishworSinghBhutan

Spilomelinae within Crambidae

0 0 Crambidae


by Jatishwor Singh IrungbamBhutan

Family: Crambidae Subfamily: Spilomelinae

2 1 Crambidae


by Jatishwor Singh IrungbamBhutan

Crambid Moth (Glyphodes canthusalis, Spilomelinae,

0 0 Crambidae, Crambinae

Crambidae, Crambinae

by Jatishwor Singh IrungbamBhutan

Crambidae, Crambinae - Calamatropha sp.

2 1 Palpita sp. Crambidae, Spilomelinae

Palpita sp. Crambidae, Spilomelinae

by KaleeVidanapathiranaදකුණු පළාත, Sri Lanka

2 0 Crambidae Spilomelinae

Crambidae Spilomelinae

by Chathura UdayangaSabaragamuwa Province, Sri Lanka

6 1 Parotis suralis

Parotis suralis

by DigantaGogoiJorhat, Assam, India

7 5 Moth


by DigantaGogoiAssam, India

4 8 Crambidae


by Smith'sZooWestern Cape, South Africa

± 2 cm - white moth with light yellow brown pattern

4 1 Crambidae


by IrungbamJatishworSinghBhutan

Family: Crambidae family (

1 1 Crambidae


by Jatishwor Singh IrungbamAhmadnagar, Maharashtra, India

1 0 Crambidae


by Smith ZooWestern Cape, South Africa

± 25 mm - pearly/white with distinctive pattern on wings

2 1 Crambidae


by Jatishwor Singh IrungbamBhutan

40 mm wingspan.

8 1 Crambidae Moth

Crambidae Moth

by DhirendraPashchimanchal, Nepal

0 2 Crambidae Moth

Crambidae Moth

by FlorianMeierจังหวัดเชียงราย, Thailand

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