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0 1 Chocolate Albatross

Chocolate Albatross

by DrNamgyalT.SherpaWest Bengal, India

Thick saal and tek forests.

0 1 Dark sided Flycatcher

Dark sided Flycatcher

by NishaBhakatSiliguri, West Bengal, India

Commonest flycatcher in Latpanchar area.

0 0 Spotting


by DrNamgyalT.SherpaWest Bengal, India

This skipper was spotted at an open sunny patch in the thick forest.

1 1 Huntsman Spider

Huntsman Spider

by Nirmরংপুর বিভাগ, Bangladesh

It was around 10 cms in length and did not look lethal. I happen to live at ...

20 9 Punchinello


by DrNamgyalT.SherpaWest Bengal, India

Spotted this pretty dotted orange butterfly by the side of the road running ...

0 2 Common Evening Brown

Common Evening Brown

by DrNamgyalT.SherpaSiliguri, West Bengal, India

On way to Arunachal Pradesh for Subansiri River ...

1 1 Chocolate Albatross

Chocolate Albatross

by DrNamgyalT.SherpaWest Bengal, India

Spotted by the side of the road while passing through this Wildlife Sanctuary ...

5 1 Grey Pancy

Grey Pancy

by DrNamgyalT.SherpaWest Bengal, India

Spotted one afternoon in Sipchu Wildlife Park while on the way to Jholong in ...

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